Language of Love
You offered a gift of love
From heaven's above
That paves me to move
And fly like a dove
A million stars I can offer
And I am willing to suffer
Everything I can do
Just to prove how much I love you
A bouquet of winds I can offer
I can tie a bundle of water
All these I can do
Because I love you
Chocolates, flowers and huggable stuffed toys
Are the common gifts among the boys
But the best endowment in the land
Is the love in my hand
I cannot bestow a perfect relationship
But I can promise on my lip
The magical words that I can offer
That remains a legacy forever
Proving that I love you
Is not easy to do
Like fishing in the dried river whole-heartedly
And hoping eternally
How I wish
You can be happy
Even though I look like folly
Loving you is the thing that no one can pay.