I love you God
Look for Confirmation. On one of these streets--after youve started on your way
God will likely confirm, This is the way. Youll know it.
Youll just know it. This is called a confirmation.
Do you know that many Christians go through their entire life
never once having received Gods will in advance of a decision.
These are not carnal or baby Christians either.
(On the contrary, they are often the most mature and holy saints.)
These believers have to simply start driving through life seeking
Gods blocking or confirmation as they go.
Why does God work this way with some folk? We dont know, but perhaps He trusts them.
And, after all…there are a thousand ways to get from New York to San Francisco
so God just rides along and only speaks up to block you when youre headed east.
After all, we are interested in the fastest way to get to our destination.
God is more interested in the journey with us.
(And most great Christians of the past would agree with me that God loves the back roads best.
The Roman Road has been all but forgotten by most. The sad part is that Romans is brilliant.
OK, the Bible is brilliant, but Romans speaks so clearly to addictions,
strongholds, and even what real Christian” recovery should look like.
It speaks of power. The power of God. The power of sin. The power we have been given.
The power that lives within us. It speaks of life. How to live it.
How to control it. Where to obtain it. It speaks of freedom. Freedom from the law.
Freedom from bondage. Freedom from sin. Freedom found only in Jesus.
Romans basically lays out a perfect road if you will to recovery.
I mean REAL recovery. True recovery. The kind of recovery that doesn’t take the remainder of your life.
The kind of recovery that you’re only going to get from Jesus,
and the only kind that Jesus ever really offered